Thursday, July 1, 2010

Camping Fairies

These special fairies only come out at dusk when you are camping and they only visit if all the kids have been good campers. They secretly leave prizes all over camp for you to find with your flashlight. The kids LOVE it!!

Last night I was in Garrison's room helping him get his stuff together to go camping this weekend. Gar stopped and asked me if the Camping Fairies were going to come this trip? I had to hurry and think of something and the best I came up with is that they wouldn't because they are friends with Grandma Hardy and we wern't camping with them this weekend. Whew, crisis averted! We went back to filling his basket and I left his room. A couple minutes Gar came out and said he knew why the fairies were only friends with Grandma "because she is so nice to all kids, she probably even reads the fairies stories and gives them prizes!" Comments like these are priceless

I had been thinking maybe I could bring the "fairies" to camp this weekend but I'm going to leave this special activity as Grandma Hardy's. Looks like we'll need to make plans for camping with them soon!

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