Monday, July 20, 2009

9 Month Well??? Check

Wow, 9 months, I cannot believe it, time is flying!! No major malfunctions this time and Adi was such a super trooper and gave everyone big smiles. Kaley said all the ladies voted in the office and she was the cutest little thing to come in that day and I couldn't agree more. She is pretty darn stinkin cute! However, while the dr was looking in her ears he discovered she had an ear infection. What?! How?!? Who?! How does one not know she has an ear infection, Mother of the Year here people. Once again, I thought the runny nose and coughing was teething. Or wishing it was teething because the two teeth on the top are starting to get longer and it's really going to look silly when she doesn't have the other front tooth yet. Here's how she's looking......
Head 17.3 inches - 25th-50th percentile
Weight 16.5 lbs - 10th percentile
Length 27.1 inches - 25th - 50th percentile

Still a peanut
and just in case your wondering a new front tooth popped through on Saturday. YEAH!!! Not sure why she has to get so sick every time she is teething.


Lana said...

She is so cute!!! I am so glad your told me about your blog! Married for 10yrs..... Congrats that an accomplishment these days.

andreaKphotography said...

She IS super cute! I vote for her too...even though I didn't see any of the other kids :) Teething is so fun right?