July has heated up nicely and we LOVE it! We decided to get ourselves a little ghetto pool to cool us down in the backyard. If you know Sean at all you know how immaculate he keeps things and this extends to this little pool of ours. I walked out one day and him and Gar had taken the grease catchers that I use to cover the wok so oil doesn't pop all over and those were now the pool strainers. Truth be told, I'm not sure I have ever used the wok but if and when I do I would have been prepared. Another night I snuck out and they were out doing "chemistry" (as Gar told me) with the pool water. They had like 3 different viles and were testing the water and adding the needed chemicals. We take our ghetto pool very seriously around here!
The Lincoln Log: The Birth of a Spoon
11 years ago