Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Yep....this is going as well as I thought

I really had good intentions on trying to post the happenings in our lives regularly. New goal,try to update monthly.......

Let's catch up folks......

As the new year begins we find ourselves in a routine of work, preschool for Gar and Adilee just getting cuter every day. 

I become a hermit this time of year because I do not like the cold weather, I know, I definitely live in the wrong state not to like the cold. However, Sean and Gar are not deterred by the cold and they go out and play as often as they can. Gar got a new snowboard from Santa so Sean has taken him to the hill to learn.

*Notice these are not action shots as that would require me to be outside.....brrrrrrrr*

Gar turned 4 in January so we had a party for him at Chuck E Cheese.  He can hardly control his excitement!

Good times have been had at the Bartholomew's.....

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